Камыш-Бурунская ТЭЦ. Камыш бурунская тэцКамыш-Бурунская ТЭЦ АО "КРЫМТЭЦ"КАМЫШ-БУРУНСКАЯ ТЭЦКамыш-Бурунская ТЭЦ (Керчь) Камыш-Бурунская ТЭЦ. В 1932 году на территории Камыш-Бурунского железорудного комбината (Керчь) началось строительство временной электростанции, которая была введена в эксплуатацию 28 октября 1938 года и проработала автономно в составе комбината до 28 ноября 1959 года. После передачи станции в управление Министерства энергетики и электрификации УССР началось ее интенсивное техническое развитие. С 1 января 1972 года в связи с ростом тепловой нагрузки Камыш- Бурунская ГРЭС была переименована в Камыш-Бурунскую ТЭЦ. ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ
Все турбины Камыш-Бурунской ТЭЦ в 1980-84 годах заменены на новые. Турбины ст.№1, №3 типа ПТ-12-35/1ОМ КТЗ реконструированы в процессе монтажа для работы в режиме «ухудшенного» вакуума. Турбина ст.№2 типа ПР-6-35/10/5 реконструирована для работы в режиме противодавления. С 1997 г. турбина ст.№1 после замены ротора работает в режиме нормального вакуума. В 2004 году энергетические паровые котлы типа БКЗ-75-39ФБ ст.№3,4 переведены на сжигание природного газа. С 1 января 2004 года Камыш-Бурунская ТЭЦ вошла в состав ООО «КрымТЭЦ» как структурное подразделение. 13 ноября 2013 года ООО «КрымТЭЦ» было преобразовано в ПАО «КрымТЭЦ». ТЭЦ отапливает значительную часть жилых домов и объектов соцкультбыта Керчи (766 тыс. м2 ) и является резервным источником электрообеспечения города. krimtec.ru КАМЫШ-БУРУНСКАЯ ТЭЦ. Керчь. - Как трудно не стать таким, каким тебя видят другие.В Крыму на момент блэкаута работало и работает 3 предприятия вырабатывающие электрическую энергию, которые объеденные в "КрымТЭЦ". На данный момент общей нагрузкой 133,8 МВт. А именно:
Остановимся на керченской Камыш-Бурунской ТЭЦ. Немного исторический справки.В 1932 году на территории Камыш-Бурунского железорудного комбината (Керчь) началось строительство временной электростанции, которая была введена в эксплуатацию 28 октября 1938 года и проработала автономно в составе комбината до 28 ноября 1959 года. После передачи станции в управление Министерства энергетики и электрификации УССР началось ее интенсивное техническое развитие.С 1 января 1972 года в связи с ростом тепловой нагрузки Камыш- Бурунская ГРЭС была переименована в Камыш-Бурунскую ТЭЦ. Основное топливо – природный газ.Установленная электрическая мощность ТЭЦ – 30МВт. Все турбины Камыш-Бурунской ТЭЦ в 1980-84 годах заменены на новые. Турбины ст.№1, №3 типа ПТ-12-35/1ОМ КТЗ реконструированы в процессе монтажа для работы в режиме «ухудшенного» вакуума. Турбина ст.№2 типа ПР-6-35/10/5 реконструирована для работы в режиме противодавления. С 1997г. турбина ст.№1 после замены ротора работает в режиме нормального вакуума. В 2004 году энергетические паровые котлы типа БКЗ-75-39ФБ ст.№3,4 переведены на сжигание природного газа. С 1 января 2004 года Камыш-Бурунская ТЭЦ вошла в состав ООО «КрымТЭЦ» как структурное подразделение. 13 ноября 2013 года ООО «КрымТЭЦ» было преобразовано в ПАО «КрымТЭЦ». ТЭЦ отапливает значительную часть жилых домов и объектов соцкультбыта Керчи (766 тыс. м2 ) и является резервным источником электрообеспечения города. Хоть все знали, что Крым энергозависимый от Украины, никто ничего толком не делал. Типа отчитались что все хорошо - завезли мобильные газотурбинные генераторы и много чего еще, но когда все таки случилось то, что должно было случиться, все косяки выползли наружу. Керчь например сидела 6 суток вообще без электроэнергии. В ноябре, когда случился блэкаут Камыш-Бурунская ТЭЦ вырабатывала до 7,8 мегаватт из 30 заявленных, из них только 4 направляется в городскую энергосистему. Это было связано с тем, что не все турбины на тот момент были в рабочем состоянии, велись ремонтные работы... которые велись уже далеко не первый год. К началу декабря мощность выросла до 8,5 ("до" это значит "до" и не обязательно эти 7,8 или 8,5 будут постоянно, возможно меньше). И еще народ обвинили: «При этом ТЭЦ могла бы существенно увеличить генерацию электрической энергии, если бы была востребована тепловая. Конструкция турбины, которая в данный момент работает на Камыш-Бурунской ТЭЦ, такова, что чем больше потребителями расходуется тепловой энергии, тем выше уровень генерации электрической. Вместе с тем, многие горожане благодаря теплой погоде стараются сэкономить на отоплении и самостоятельно закрывают задвижки в многоквартирных домах, препятствуя доступу теплоносителя. В результате на ТЭЦ снижается выработка электроэнергии», - констатировали в пресс-службе. Все это время на Камыш-Бурунской ТЭЦ работает один турбогенератор установленной мощностью 12 МВт. По данным на 7 декабря фактическая мощность Камыш-Бурунской ТЭЦ порядка 17 МВт и продолжает увеличиваться. В том числе мощность вышедшей из ремонта турбины составляет 11 МВт (установленная 12 МВт), мощность второй турбины - 6 МВт (установленная - 12 МВт). Вот январь уже 2016 года Камыш-Бурунская ТЭЦ начала давать 20,5 МВт. Немного фотографий ТЭЦ: tolik-belenko.livejournal.com Старейшее предприятие Керчи - Камыш-бурунская ТЭЦ![]() Керченская ТЭЦ, вид с Аршинцевской косы Одно из старейших и самых стабильных предприятий города Керчь сегодня — Камыш-Бурунская теплоцентраль. Керченская ТЭЦ входит в состав ООО «КрымТЭЦ», где также числятся Симферопольская, Севастополькая и Сакская ТЭЦ. Строительство предприятия в Керчи началось в 1937 году. На сегодняшний день Камыш-Бурунская ТЭЦ поставляет тепло в город по двум тепломагистралям: городской и Аршинценвской. Городская теплотрасса поверхностная, тянется от ТЭЦ к районам Верхний Солнечный, частично отапливает Марат. Аршинцевская — подземная, соответственно поставляет тепло району Аршинцево. Все остальные районы Керчи отапливаются самостоятельно, либо небольшими котельными. Городская тепломагистраль тянется на несколько километров вдоль города. По горячим трубам подается горячая вода, от внешней среды они защищены матами минераловаты, листами рубероида и оцинкованного железа. Первоначальной и основной функцией Камыш-Бурунской ТЭЦ было обеспечение производственным паром заводов ЖРК и «Залив». После развала СССР, его главной задачей стало подача тепла и электричества в город. Большой проблемой для ТЭЦ было недостаточно качественное топливо. Сначала предприятие работало на угле, (нередко плохого качества), что сказывалось на отоплении. А после перехода на газ, и ввода газотурбин, устанавливались лимиты на использование голубого топлива.
Керченская ТЭЦ работает большую часть года с октября по ноябрь, в летние месяцы не работает. В 90-х годах предприятие пыталось работать круглогодично, и поставлять керчанам горячую воду летом, однако из-за не оплаты жителями города этих услуг, это оказалось нерентабельно, решили работать сезонно. Что хочется отметить в конце: сегодня Керченская ТЭЦ — это одно из старейших предприятий, дожившее до наших дней, исправно в силу своих возможностей исполняющее свой долг перед керчанами. Немного внимания с нашей стороны и теплоэнергоцентраль проживет еще долго, а постепенная реконструкция и модернизирование мощностей вернут ей вторую молодость и дадут толчок, необходимый для выживания в современном конкурентном времени. μ@ Похожие статьиМетки: Kerch, Камыш-бурунская ТЭЦ, отопление, теплоснабжение pantikapei.ru Камыш-Бурунская ТЭЦ — РосТепло Энциклопедия теплоснабженияМатериал из РосТепло Энциклопедия теплоснабжении ТЭЦ отапливает значительную часть жилых домов и объектов соцкультбыта Керчи (потребителей в микрорайонах «Аршинцево» и «Марат, 4а, 4б, 5».) и является резервным источником электрообеспечения города. Установленная электрическая мощность – 30 МВт. Установленная тепловая мощность – 174,9 Гкал/ч. КБ ТЭЦ расположена в Юго-Восточной части г. Керчи, на берегу Керченского пролива в непосредственной близости от ЖРК. Промышленная площадка ТЭЦ расположена в бухте, отделяющейся от Керченского пролива Камыш-Бурунской косой, в непосредственной близости от моря. Территория ТЭЦ граничит с севера со складским хозяйством ЖРК, с юга – с территорией завода «Залив», с запада – с жилым массивом, с востока – с железнодорожными путями к промышленным предприятиям. Общая площадь территории ТЭЦ составляет 13,8 га. В 1932 году на территории Камыш-Бурунского железорудного комбината (Керчь) началось строительство временной электростанции, которая была введена в эксплуатацию 28 октября 1938 года и проработала автономно в составе комбината до 28 ноября 1959 года. После передачи станции в управление Министерства энергетики и электрификации УССР началось ее интенсивное техническое развитие. С 1 января 1972 года в связи с ростом тепловой нагрузки Камыш- Бурунская ГРЭС была переименована в Камыш-Бурунскую ТЭЦ. С 1 января 2004 года Камыш-Бурунская ТЭЦ вошла в состав ООО «КрымТЭЦ» как структурное подразделение. 13 ноября 2013 года ООО «КрымТЭЦ» было преобразовано в ПАО «КрымТЭЦ». ОАО «Камыш-Бурунский железорудный комбинат» - ныне бездействующее предприятие по добыче, обогащению и агломерации руд железа в Крыму. Технико-экономические характеристики[править]Основное топливо – природный газ. Камыш-Бурунская ТЭЦ – станция с поперечными связями. Котлоагрегаты:
Энергетические котлы типа БКЗ-75-39ФБ ст.№ 1,2. Паровой пылеугольный котел типа БКЗ-75-39ФБ, реконструированный для сжигания только природного газа и мазута, однобарабанный, с естественной циркуляцией воды. После реконструкции паропроизводительность котлов увеличена до 85 т/ч. Турбины:
Турбоагрегат типа ПТ12-35/10М ст.№ 1 Турбина ст. № 1 номинальной мощностью 12 МВт, конденсационная одноцилиндровая, предназначена для привода генератора переменного тока Т-2-12-2УЗ. Турбина имеет два нерегулируемых отбора пара на регенерацию (на ПВД и деаэратор) и два регулируемых (производственный и теплофикационный). Номинальный расход свежего пара турбины ст. № 1 составляет 108,9 т/ч при номинальных расходах пара в производственный отбор 50 т/ч и в теплофикационный отбор – 40 т/ч. Номинальный расход свежего пара при работе с отключенными регуляторами давления в отборах (конденсационный режим) – 58,5 т/ч. Конденсатор турбоагрегата ст. № 1 типа КП-540/2 охлаждается циркуляционной морской водой. Номинальное давление в конденсаторе – 0,05 кгс/см2. Турбоагрегат типа ПР-6-35/10/5 ст. №2 Турбина ПР-6-35/10/5 ст.№2 номинальной мощностью 6 МВт, однокорпусная, с регулируемым производственным отбором, противодавлением, предназначена для привода генератора переменного тока Т-6-2УЗ. Отработанный пар турбоагрегата ПР-6-35/10/5 ст. №2 ранее использовался промышленными потребителями. В настоящее время, в связи с отсутствием потребителей, с 2004 года турбоагрегат находится на консервации. Турбоагрегат типа ПТ12-35/10М ст. №3 Т/а ПТ12-35/10М ст.№3 в 1985 г. переведен на работу с «ухудшенным» вакуумом. При этом разлопачен, но оставлен в работе, диск последней 17 ступени и удалена диафрагма этой ступени. Произошли существенные изменения в тепловой схеме турбины: ПВД и деаэратор питаются паром не от турбины, а из общестанционных источников, т.е. нерегулируемые отборы пара на регенерацию отсутствуют. В 1991 г. проведена реконструкция турбины ст. №3 с увеличением расхода пара в теплофикационный отбор (увеличение пропускной способности проточной части ЧСД путѐм удаления шестой ступени). Номинальный расход свежего пара турбины ст. № 3 составляет 90 т/ч, максимальный расход пара в производственный отбор составляет 15 т/ч, максимальный расход пара в теплофикационный отбор – 28 т/ч. Охлаждение конденсатора изготовления фирмы AEG (остался от ранее работавшей на ТЭЦ турбины фирмы AEG) осуществляется сетевой водой магистральной тепловой сети ТЭЦ-пос. Аршинцево. Номинальное давление в конденсаторе – 0,37 кгс/см2. Параметры пара перед турбинами:
Все турбины Камыш-Бурунской ТЭЦ в 1980-84 годах заменены на новые. Турбины ст.№1, №3 типа ПТ-12-35/1ОМ КТЗ реконструированы в процессе монтажа для работы в режиме «ухудшенного» вакуума. Турбина ст.№2 типа ПР-6-35/10/5 реконструирована для работы в режиме противодавления. С 1997г. турбина ст.№1 после замены ротора работает в режиме нормального вакуума. В 2004 году энергетические паровые котлы типа БКЗ-75-39ФБ ст.№3,4 переведены на сжигание природного газа. РОУ ст. №1,2 Для резервирования отпуска пара из отборов турбин ст. № 1,2,3 в тепловой схеме ТЭЦ предусмотрены две РОУ ст. №1,2. Параметры РОУ:
В 1982 г. в связи с ростом теплопотребления установлены водогрейные котлы ст. № 1,2 типа ПТВМ-50, тепловой производительностью по 50 Гкал/ч каждый. В 2004 г. в связи с физическим износом паровые котлы ст. № 1,2 типа НЗЛ-80 и водогрейные котлы ПТВМ-50 выведены из эксплуатации. От КБ ТЭЦ отходят две магистрали «ТЭЦ- город» и «ТЭЦ-поселок». Магистраль «ТЭЦ - город» обеспечивает окраину г. Керчи микрорайон «Марат». Протяженность трассы до первых распределительных сетей – 5948 м (расстояние взято с карты). Длина самой магистрали (от Ду 800 до Ду 400) - 7998 м (расстояние взято с карты). Нагрузка потребителей магистрали всего 18,87 Гкал/час. Магистраль «ТЭЦ - поселок» обеспечивает поселок «Аршинцево», который расположен между г. Керчь и КБ ТЭЦ. Протяженность трассы до первых распределительных сетей – 510 м (расстояние взято с карты). Длина самой магистрали (от Ду 600 до Ду 400) - 3943 м (расстояние взято с карты). Нагрузка потребителей магистрали всего 37,59 Гкал/час. Всего к тепловым сетям КБ ТЭЦ подключено 453 потребителя, в том числе к Магистрали «ТЭЦ-город» 72 шт., к Магистрали «ТЭЦ-поселок» 381 шт. 243 потребителя в поселке Аршинцево отключены, но к ним подведены тепловые сети. Основным видом топлива по проекту предусмотрен уголь, растопочным – мазут. В 2004 г. КБ ТЭЦ переведена на сжигание природного газа с полной заменой всех поверхностей нагрева котлов БКЗ-75-39 ФБ ст. № 3,4 и главного паропровода. Природный газ в г. Керчь подается от магистрали «Джанкой-Феодосия-Керчь» ДУ600, далее через ГРС-2 распределяется на город (бытовые потребители, котельные, производственные потребители и т.п.) ДУ250 и на КБ ТЭЦ ДУ 400 (ГРП-2). При переводе котлов на природный газ построен новый газорегуляторный пункт, пропускной способностью 30 тыс. м3/ч. Основным топливом для котлов ст. № 3,4 является природный газ, мазутное хозяйство находится в режиме аварийного резерва. Котлоагрегаты работают на газе, с часовым расходом 7,158 тыс.м³ (при производительности 75тн/ч) на один котел. Максимальный суточный расход газа на один котлоагрегат составляет согласно режимным картам 172 тыс.м³/сутки. В качестве резервного вида топлива на ТЭЦ может использоваться мазут марки М-100. Мазутное хозяйство состоит из отдельно стоящего здания мазутной насосной, эстакады приема мазута, промежуточной приемной емкости, двух баков хранения мазута, емкостью 3000 м3, двух мазутных подогревателей ПМ-40-30 и трѐх ПМ-10-60. 10 апреля 2015 года между Советом министров Республики Крым в лице Главы Республики Крым, Председателя Совета министров Республики Крым Аксѐнова С.В. и Акционерным Обществом «Крымтеплоэлектроцентраль» заключено Соглашение о взаимодействии Сторон при реализации Инвестором инвестиционного проекта «Реконструкция Камыш-Бурунской ТЭЦ с увеличением генерирующей мощности на 126 МВт» на территории Камыш-Бурунской ТЭЦ. Принят следующий состав основного оборудования:
298313 г. Керчь, Тиритакский спуск, 1 Тел./факс: +38 (0261) 325-18 http://krimtec.com www.rosteplo.ru Не прошло и 100 лет: Камыш-Бурунскую ТЭЦ собрались модернизироватьНе прошло и 100 лет: Камыш-Бурунскую ТЭЦ собрались модернизировать![]() Камыш-Бурунскую ТЭЦ собираются модернизировать. Об этом сообщил замгендиректора компании «КрымТЭЦ» Феликс КОПЫШЕВСКИЙ. Его цитирует ТАСС. «Нам необходимо развивать Камыш-Бурунскую ТЭЦ, потому что станция старая, ее необходимо модернизировать. Мы рассматриваем возможность модернизации станции с газовой надстройкой. Модернизация ТЭЦ в Керчи даст дополнительно 120 МВт. Сейчас станция вырабатывает порядка 20 МВт» — рассказал Феликс КОПЫШЕВСКИЙ. Читайте: Реконструкция Камыш-Бурунской ТЭЦ может снизить тарифы на тепло Сколько времени займёт модернизация — в компании не уточняют. «Модернизация станции — это не строительство новой, это дешевле. Мы готовы начать и сегодня, у нас достаточно сил и средств. Мы вплотную работаем с правительством Крыма, министерством энергетики РФ, системным оператором для того, чтобы этот вопрос был решён как можно быстрее. Мы заявку (системному оператору) подали, теперь ждём решения» — отметил специалист. Читайте: Когда отключат отопление в Керчи? Ранее редакция КерчьИНФО публиковала материал, в котором говорилось о сомнениях керченских и крымских специалистов в целесообразности существования станции: в новой схеме по оптимизации теплоснабжения Камыш-Бурунской ТЭЦ нет (она предусматривает строительство новых газовых котельных) — говорили журналистам специалисты ЖКХ. Фото: Интернет Если вы нашли ошибку, пожалуйста, выделите фрагмент текста и нажмите Ctrl+Enter. kerchinfo.com Камыш-Бурунская ТЭЦ - WikiVisually1. Россия – Russia, also officially the Russian Federation, is a country in Eurasia. The European western part of the country is more populated and urbanised than the eastern. Russias capital Moscow is one of the largest cities in the world, other urban centers include Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod. Extending across the entirety of Northern Asia and much of Eastern Europe, Russia spans eleven time zones and incorporates a range of environments. It shares maritime borders with Japan by the Sea of Okhotsk, the East Slavs emerged as a recognizable group in Europe between the 3rd and 8th centuries AD. Founded and ruled by a Varangian warrior elite and their descendants, in 988 it adopted Orthodox Christianity from the Byzantine Empire, beginning the synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic cultures that defined Russian culture for the next millennium. Rus ultimately disintegrated into a number of states, most of the Rus lands were overrun by the Mongol invasion. The Soviet Union played a role in the Allied victory in World War II. The Soviet era saw some of the most significant technological achievements of the 20th century, including the worlds first human-made satellite and the launching of the first humans in space. By the end of 1990, the Soviet Union had the second largest economy, largest standing military in the world. It is governed as a federal semi-presidential republic, the Russian economy ranks as the twelfth largest by nominal GDP and sixth largest by purchasing power parity in 2015. Russias extensive mineral and energy resources are the largest such reserves in the world, making it one of the producers of oil. The country is one of the five recognized nuclear weapons states and possesses the largest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction, Russia is a great power as well as a regional power and has been characterised as a potential superpower. The name Russia is derived from Rus, a state populated mostly by the East Slavs. However, this name became more prominent in the later history, and the country typically was called by its inhabitants Русская Земля. In order to distinguish this state from other states derived from it, it is denoted as Kievan Rus by modern historiography, an old Latin version of the name Rus was Ruthenia, mostly applied to the western and southern regions of Rus that were adjacent to Catholic Europe. The current name of the country, Россия, comes from the Byzantine Greek designation of the Kievan Rus, the standard way to refer to citizens of Russia is Russians in English and rossiyane in Russian. There are two Russian words which are translated into English as Russians 2. Украина – Ukraine is currently in territorial dispute with Russia over the Crimean Peninsula which Russia annexed in 2014 but which Ukraine and most of the international community recognise as Ukrainian. Including Crimea, Ukraine has an area of 603,628 km2, making it the largest country entirely within Europe and it has a population of about 42.5 million, making it the 32nd most populous country in the world. The territory of modern Ukraine has been inhabited since 32,000 BC, during the Middle Ages, the area was a key centre of East Slavic culture, with the powerful state of Kievan Rus forming the basis of Ukrainian identity. Following its fragmentation in the 13th century, the territory was contested, ruled and divided by a variety of powers, including Lithuania, Poland, the Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary, and Russia. A Cossack republic emerged and prospered during the 17th and 18th centuries, two brief periods of independence occurred during the 20th century, once near the end of World War I and another during World War II. Before its independence, Ukraine was typically referred to in English as The Ukraine, following independence, Ukraine declared itself a neutral state. Nonetheless it formed a limited partnership with the Russian Federation and other CIS countries. In the 2000s, the government began leaning towards NATO, and it was later agreed that the question of joining NATO should be answered by a national referendum at some point in the future. Former President Viktor Yanukovych considered the current level of co-operation between Ukraine and NATO sufficient, and was against Ukraine joining NATO and these events formed the background for the annexation of Crimea by Russia in March 2014, and the War in Donbass in April 2014. On 1 January 2016, Ukraine applied the economic part of the Deep, Ukraine has long been a global breadbasket because of its extensive, fertile farmlands and is one of the worlds largest grain exporters. The diversified economy of Ukraine includes a heavy industry sector, particularly in aerospace. Ukraine is a republic under a semi-presidential system with separate powers, legislative, executive. Its capital and largest city is Kiev, taking into account reserves and paramilitary personnel, Ukraine maintains the second-largest military in Europe after that of Russia. Ukrainian is the language and its alphabet is Cyrillic. The dominant religion in the country is Eastern Orthodoxy, which has strongly influenced Ukrainian architecture, literature, there are different hypotheses as to the etymology of the name Ukraine. According to the older and most widespread hypothesis, it means borderland, while more recently some studies claim a different meaning, homeland or region. The Ukraine now implies disregard for the sovereignty, according to U. S. ambassador William Taylor. Neanderthal settlement in Ukraine is seen in the Molodova archaeological sites include a mammoth bone dwelling 3. Керчь – Kerch is a city of regional significance on the Kerch Peninsula in the east of the Crimea. Founded 2,600 years ago as an ancient Greek colony, the city experienced rapid growth starting in the 1920s and was the site of a major battle during World War II. Today, it is one of the largest cities in Crimea and is among the republics most important industrial, transport, archeological digs at Mayak village near the city ascertained that the area had already been inhabited in 17th–15th centuries BC. Kerch as a city starts its history in 7th century BC, Panticapaeum subdued nearby cities and by 480 BC became a capital of the Kingdom of Bosporus. Later, during the rule of Mithradates VI Eupator, Panticapaeum for a period of time became the capital of the much more powerful. The city was located at the intersection of routes between the steppe and Europe. This caused it to grow rapidly, the citys main exports were grain and salted fish, wine-making was also common. According to extant documents the Melek-Chesme river was navigable in Bosporan times, a large portion of the citys population was ethnically Scythian, later Sarmatian, as the large royal barrow at Kul-Oba testifies. In the 1st century AD Panticapaeum and the Kingdom of Bosporus suffered from Ostrogoth raids, from the 6th century the city was under the control of the Byzantine Empire. By order of Emperor Justinian I, a citadel named Bospor was built there, Bospor was the centre of a bishopric, the diocese of Bosporus and developed under the influence of Greek Christianity. In 576, it withstood a siege by the Göktürks under Bokhan, aided by Anagai, in the 7th century, the Turkic Khazars took control of Bospor, and the city was named Karcha from Turkic karşı meaning opposite, facing. The main local government official during Khazar times was the tudun, Christianity was a major religion in Kerch during the period of Khazar rule. Kerchs Church of St. John the Baptist was founded in 717, thus, the Church of the Apostles existed during the late 8th and early 9th centuries, according to the Life of the Apostle Andrew by Epiphanius of Salamis. Following the fall of Khazaria to Kievan Rus in the late 10th century and its ruler, Georgius Tzul, was deposed by a Byzantine-Rus expedition in 1016. From the 10th century, the city was a Slavic settlement named Korchev, Kerch was a center of trade between Russia, Crimea, Caucasus and the Orient. In the 13th century, the Crimea including Korchev was invaded by Mongols, after Mongols, the city became the Genoese colony of Cerco in 1318 and served as a sea harbour, where townspeople worked at salt-works and fishery. In 1475, city was passed to the Ottoman Empire, during the Turkish rule Kerch fell into decay and served as a slave-market. It repeatedly suffered from raids of Zaporizhian Cossacks, in response to strengthening of Russian military forces in Azov area, the Turks built a fortress, named Yenikale, near Kerch on the shore of Kerch Strait 4. Природный газ – It is formed when layers of decomposing plant and animal matter are exposed to intense heat and pressure under the surface of the Earth over millions of years. The energy that the plants originally obtained from the sun is stored in the form of bonds in the gas. Natural gas is a fuel used as a source of energy for heating, cooking. It is also used as fuel for vehicles and as a feedstock in the manufacture of plastics. Natural gas is found in underground rock formations or associated with other hydrocarbon reservoirs in coal beds. Petroleum is another resource and fossil fuel found in proximity to. Most natural gas was created over time by two mechanisms, biogenic and thermogenic, biogenic gas is created by methanogenic organisms in marshes, bogs, landfills, and shallow sediments. Deeper in the earth, at temperature and pressure, thermogenic gas is created from buried organic material. In petroleum production gas is burnt as flare gas. The World Bank estimates that over 150 cubic kilometers of gas are flared or vented annually. Before natural gas can be used as a fuel, most, Natural gas is often informally referred to simply as gas, especially when compared to other energy sources such as oil or coal. However, it is not to be confused with gasoline, especially in North America, Natural gas was used by the Chinese in about 500 BCE. They discovered a way to transport gas seeping from the ground in crude pipelines of bamboo to where it was used to salt water to extract the salt. The worlds first industrial extraction of gas started at Fredonia, New York. By 2009,66000 km³ had been used out of the total 850000 km³ of estimated remaining reserves of natural gas. An annual increase in usage of 2–3% could result in currently recoverable reserves lasting significantly less, unwanted natural gas was a disposal problem in the active oil fields. If there was not a market for natural gas near the wellhead it was expensive to pipe to the end user. In the 19th century and early 20th century, unwanted gas was burned off at oil fields 5. Крым – The peninsula is located south of the Ukrainian region of Kherson and west of the Russian region of Kuban. It is connected to Kherson Oblast by the Isthmus of Perekop and is separated from Kuban by the Strait of Kerch, the Arabat Spit is located to the northeast, a narrow strip of land that separates a system of lagoons named Sivash from the Sea of Azov. Crimea has historically been at the boundary between the world and the Pontic–Caspian steppe. Crimea and adjacent territories were united in the Crimean Khanate during the 15th to 18th century, in 1783, Crimea was annexed by the Russian Empire. It became the Autonomous Republic of Crimea within newly independent Ukraine in 1991, with Sevastopol having its own administration, within Ukraine, the ex-Soviet Black Sea Fleet and its facilities were divided between Russias Black Sea Fleet and the Ukrainian Naval Forces. The two navies shared some of the harbours and piers, while others were demilitarised or used by either country. Sevastopol remained the location of the Russian Black Sea Fleet headquarters with the Ukrainian Naval Forces Headquarters also based in the city, most of the international community does not recognize the annexation and considers Crimea to be Ukrainian territory. Russia currently administers the peninsula as two federal subjects, the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. Ukraine continues to assert its right over the peninsula, the classical name Tauris or Taurica is from the Greek Ταυρική, after the peninsulas Scytho-Cimmerian inhabitants, the Tauri. In English usage since the modern period the Crimean Khanate is referred to as Crim Tartary. The Italian form Crimea also becomes current during the 18th century, the omission of the definite article in English became common during the later 20th century. The name Crimea follows the Italian form from the Crimean Tatar name for the city Qırım which served as a capital of the Crimean province of the Golden Horde, the name of the capital was extended to the entire peninsula at some point during Ottoman suzerainty. The origin of the word Qırım is uncertain, suggestions argued in various sources include, a corruption of Cimmerium. A derivation from the Turkic term qirum, from qori-, other suggestions that have not been supported by sources but are apparently based on similarity in sound include, a derivation from the Greek Cremnoi. However, he identifies the port, not in Crimea, no evidence has been identified that this name was ever in use for the peninsula. The classical name was revived in 1802 in the name of the Russian Taurida Governorate, in the 8th century BCE the Cimmerians migrated to the region and subsequently the Scythians as well it being the site of Greek colonies. The most important city was Chersonesos at the edge of todays Sevastopol, the Persian Achaemenid Empire expanded to Crimea. Later occupiers included the Romans, Goths, Huns, Bulgars, the Byzantine Empire, Khazars, the Kipchaks, the Golden Horde, consideration of the succeeding residents of the peninsula by their linguistic grouping is also of relevance 6. Проблема принадлежности Крыма – The status of Crimea is the subject of a political and territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia. Despite international opinion however, the currency, tax and legal system are all operational under Russian jurisdiction, Ukraine has there applied for multiple litigations through international crime, water resources, the European Union and other courts. In 1920, immediately after the RSFSR recognized the independence of the Ukrainian SSR, in 1994 Russia signed the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, which states that it would Respect Belarusian, Kazakh and Ukrainian independence and sovereignty and the existing borders. A detailed status of Crimea at that time was not described nor mentioned in the Budapest Memorandum, the Crimean Oblast council became Supreme Council of Crimea and, on 4 September 1991, passed the Declaration of state sovereignty of Crimea. Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the autonomy renamed itself the Republic of Crimea, the Ukrainian government initially accepted its name, but not its claims to be a state. A similar resolution was adopted for Sevastopol a year later, both moves were condemned by Ukraine and resulted in no changes to the Russian Constitution. In 1994, after parliamentary and presidential elections in the Republic, the Supreme Council, following a referendum, held in same year, the Supreme Council of Crimea restored the 1992 Constitution to its original revision. Another Constitution was passed by Crimean parliament in 1995, but many parts of it were rejected by the Ukrainian parliament, among them were Republics name and citizenship. Ultimately, the new Constitution of Ukraine adopted neither extreme and reiterated the autonomous status of the republic, the Republic was declared to be the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, but also an inseparable constituent part of Ukraine. A new Crimean constitution, complying with provisions of the Ukrainian one, was adopted in 1998, before the 1954 transfer of Crimea, Sevastopol was elevated into a city of republican subordination of the Russian SFSR. Nevertheless, in practice it was governed as a part of Crimean Oblast. The Ukrainian Constitution of 1978 listed Sevastopol as one of its cities of republican subordination, three years later, the State Duma declared that Russia has a right to exercise sovereignty over Sevastopol, but this resolution went without any actual effect. An agreement was concluded in 1997 by the Russian and Ukrainian governments, amidst rising tension in the region as part of the Crimean crisis, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol held a referendum to join the Russian Federation. The referendum took place on 16 March 2014 with 97% of voters choosing to leave Ukraine and join Russia, for this purpose, the Autonomous Republic and Sevastopol joined together as a single united nation under the name of Republic of Crimea. This nation then was annexed by Russia where it was converted into a district under the name of Crimean Federal District. The European Union, United States, Canada and several other nations condemned the decision to hold a referendum, in addition, the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People—the unofficial political association of the Crimean Tatars—called for a boycott of the referendum. Russia recognized the short-lived Republic of Crimea as a country shortly before concluding the treaty of accession. Russia claims the Republic of Crimea as a district, the Crimean Federal District, on the grounds of historical control of the area 7. Субъекты Российской Федерации – Since March 18,2014, the Russian Federation constitutionally consists of 85 federal subjects, although the two most recently added subjects are internationally recognized as part of Ukraine. Three Russian cities of importance have a status of both city and separate federal subject which comprises other cities and towns within federal city keeping old structure of postal address. In 1993, there were 89 federal subjects listed, by 2008, the number of federal subjects had been decreased to 83 because of several mergers. In 2014, Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea became the 84th and 85th federal subjects of Russia, every federal subject has its own head, a parliament, and a constitutional court. Federal subjects have their own constitution and legislation, subjects have equal rights in relations with federal government bodies. The federal subjects have equal representation—two delegates each—in the Federation Council and they do, however, differ in the degree of autonomy they enjoy. Composition of post-Soviet Russia was formed during the history of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic within the USSR, the Federation Treaty was included in the text of the 1978 Constitution of the Russian SFSR. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the system became de jure closer to other modern federal states with a republican form of government in the world. There are several groupings of Russian regions, Federal subjects should not be confused with the eight Federal districts which are not subdivisions of Russia, are much larger and each encompass many federal subjects. Federal districts were created by Executive Order of the President of Russia specially for presidential envoys, an official government translation of the Constitution of Russia in Article 5 states,1. Another translation of the Constitution of Russia gives for article 65, each federal subject belongs to one of the following types, b. ^ According to Article 13 of the Charter of Leningrad Oblast, however, St. Petersburg is not officially named to be the administrative center of the oblast. ^ According to Article 24 of the Charter of Moscow Oblast, however, Moscow is not officially named to be the administrative center of the oblast. ^ Not recognized internationally as a part of Russia, the merging process was finished on March 1,2008. No new mergers have been planned since March 2008, Федерального конституционного закона №7-ФКЗ от30 декабря2008 г. Вступил в силу со дня официального опубликования, Опубликован, Российская газета, №237,25 декабря1993 г 8. Республика Крым – The Republic of Crimea is a federal subject of Russia that is located on the Crimean Peninsula. It has a population of 1,891, 465 , Russia then annexed the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol as federal subjects of Russia. Russia disputes this, citing the right of the people of Crimea to self-determination, in 1792, under the Russian Empress Catherine the Great, Crimea was ceded to Russia by the Ottoman Empire under the Treaty of Jassy, which formally ended the Russo-Turkish war of 1787-1792. From 1802, it constituted a part of the Taurida Governorate of the Russian Empire until the collapse thereof in 1917. The Crimean Tatars were allowed to return to Crimea in the mid-1980s under perestroika, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, Crimea became part of the newly independent Ukraine, which led to tensions between Russia and Ukraine. With the Black Sea Fleet based on the peninsula, worries of armed skirmishes were occasionally raised, Crimean Tatars began returning from exile and resettling in Crimea. Ukraine restored Crimeas autonomous status in 1991, the document specifically mentioned Kosovo as a precedent in the lead part. The available choices did not include keeping the status quo of Crimea, on 16 March 2014, according to statements of organizers of Crimean status referendum, a large majority voted in favour of independence of Crimea from Ukraine and joining Russia as a federal subject. The referendum was not recognized by most of the international community, the BBC reported that most of the Crimean Tatars that they interviewed were boycotting the vote. Reports from the UN criticised the circumstances surrounding the referendum, especially the presence of paramilitaries, self-defence groups, the European Union, Canada, Japan and the United States condemned the vote as illegal. After the referendum, Crimean lawmakers formally voted both to secede from Ukraine and applied for their admission into Russia, the Sevastopol City Council, however, requested the ports separate admission as a federal city. On 18 March 2014, the self-proclaimed independent Republic of Crimea signed a treaty of accession to the Russian Federation, the accession was only recognised internationally by a few states with most regarding the action as illegal. Though Ukraine refused to accept the annexation, the Ukrainian military began to withdraw from Crimea on 19 March. On 3 April 2014, Moscow sent a note to Ukraine on terminating the actions of agreements concerning the deployment of the Russian Federations Black Sea Fleet on the territory of Ukraine. As part of the agreements, Russia paid the Ukrainian government $530 million annually for the base, the Kremlin stated that as the base is no longer located in Ukraine, there were no legal grounds for the discount to be continued. On 3 April 2014, Crimea and the city of Sevastopol became part of Russias Southern Military District, on 11 April 2014, the parliament of Crimea approved a new constitution, with 88 out of 100 lawmakers voting in favor of its adoption. The constitution ensures the Republic of Crimea as a state within the Russian Federation and says that its territory is united. The Crimean parliament will become smaller and have 75 members instead of current 100, on 12 April 2014, the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea, adopted at the session of the State Council on 11 April entered into legal force 9. Административное деление Украины – Ukraine is divided into several levels of territorial entities. On the first level there are 27 regions,24 oblasts, one autonomous republic, since the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation in March 2014, Ukraines control of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol is disputed. It is somewhat complex as beside having several levels of a subdivision, it also has a classification for various populated places. Note, that certain types of subdivision are not mentioned in Constitution of Ukraine. Also, for disambiguation regular raions are sometimes denoted as rural to distinguish them from raions in city, Ukraines administrative divisions are divided as follows, By geographical characteristics the units are divided on regions and places of settlement. By their status they can be administrative-territorial units, self-governed territorial units, by position in the system of administrative division of Ukraine, the units divided into territorial units of prime level, of middle level, and of higher level. Administrative division has changed because some territories are not under the control of the government, for example, Sievierodonetsk has become the new central regional center. Regions, cities, districts are governed by a state administration, Crimea has its own cabinet of ministers, however the state administration is represented by the office of the Presidential Representative of Ukraine. A basic and the lowest level of division is a settlement that is governed by a local council. Cities as a settlement always carry a special status within a region and have their own form of self-administration, city municipalities are governed by a mayor and a city council. Some smaller cities, towns, and rural localities may be under control of city based on larger cities. Towns as well as villages are not controlled by state administration and are self-governed by either a council or a village council within the limits of the Constitution. Village councils may carry a combined jurisdiction which may include several villages, unlike villages, each town council always has a separate jurisdiction which may be part of bigger citys council. Hamlet is a rural locality and is governed by a village council of nearby village. Ukraine is divided into 3 main administrative divisions, oblast, raion, note, settlements such as cities do not necessary constitute the basic level of the Ukrainian administrative territorial system. For that purpose cities are categorized into own three categories that correspond to level of subdivisions. Cities with special status and regional significance beside being divided into districts in city may also include smaller cities, settlements. Please, note that the population size is not the only factor for its status 10. Автономная Республика Крым – The Autonomous Republic of Crimea is an autonomous republic of Ukraine, encompassing the territory of the former Crimean Oblast, a status it gained following a referendum on 20 January 1991. Russia then annexed Crimea to incorporate the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol as federal subjects of Russia. Crimea was annexed by the Russian Empire in 1783 and this was recognised in 1792 when the peninsula was ceded to Russia by the Ottoman Empire under the Treaty of Jassy. Following a referendum on 20 January 1991, the Crimean Oblast was upgraded to the status of an Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic on 12 February 1991 by the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR. On 26 February 1992, the Crimean parliament renamed the ASSR the Republic of Crimea and proclaimed self-government on 5 May 1992, on 6 May 1992 the same parliament inserted a new sentence into this constitution that declared that Crimea was part of Ukraine. In the same period, Russian president Boris Yeltsin and Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk agreed to divide the former Soviet Black Sea Fleet between Russia and the newly formed Ukrainian Navy. On 14 October 1993, the Crimean parliament established the post of President of Crimea, after an interim constitution, the current constitution was put into effect, changing the territorys name to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Following the ratification of the May 1997 Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, however, in 2006, anti-NATO protests broke out on the peninsula. On 24 August 2009, anti-Ukrainian demonstrations were held in Crimea by ethnic Russian residents, sergei Tsekov said then that he hoped that Russia would treat the Crimea the same way as it had treated South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Along with Verkhovna Rada, the treaty was ratified by the Russian State Duma as well, on 26 February 2014, thousands of pro-Russian and pro-Ukraine protesters clashed in front of the parliament building in Simferopol. Two days later, Russian forces occupied airports and other locations in Crimea which the interim Government of Ukraine described as an invasion and occupation. Gunmen, either armed militants or Russian special forces, occupied the Crimean parliament, under armed guard and with the doors locked, members of parliament reportedly elected Sergey Aksyonov as the new Crimean Prime Minister. The central Ukrainian government did not recognize the Aksyonov administration and considers it illegal, ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich sent a letter to Putin asking him to use military force in Ukraine to restore law and order. The Russian foreign ministry stated that movement of the Black Sea Fleet armored vehicles in Crimea happens in accordance with basic Russian-Ukrainian agreements on the Black Sea Fleet. On 1 March, the Russian parliament granted President Vladimir Putin the authority to use force in Ukraine. The move was condemned by many Western and Western-aligned nations, on the same day, the acting president of Ukraine, Oleksandr Turchynov decried the appointment of the Prime Minister of Crimea as unconstitutional. Russia established de facto control of the territory, however, Interfax news agency later quoted a fleet spokesman who denied that any ultimatum had been issued. Nothing came to pass at the deadline, on 4 March, several Ukrainian bases and navy ships in Crimea reported being intimidated by Russian forces but vowed non-violence wikivisually.com |